The prices of the Y and Tesla Model 3 cars have risen again.

The prices of the Y and Tesla Model 3 cars have risen again.

صورة أرشيفية
صورة أرشيفية
الأحد - 8 ديسمبر سنة 2024 | 12:49 صباحاً | عبد الفتاح يوسف | | 150 مشاهدات | 0 من جوجل نيوز

Tesla's pricing has been a rollercoaster since the beginning of this year, with constant fluctuations up and down. Despite this, the general trend remains downward, although the latest price adjustment adds a few extra dollars to the prices of the Model 3 and Model Y in the United States and China, according to ArenaEV.

The good news is that the price increase is very modest. Both models have added $250 to their prices in the U.S. and 2,000 Chinese yuan (approximately $290) in China. Based on previous price changes, it is likely that the European market will follow suit sooner or later, but we can hope that the price increase will be similarly small.

It has become increasingly difficult for someone to keep track of Tesla's prices recently, but some believe that the current price increase is meant to signal potential buyers that the lowest point has been reached, and they should not delay their purchases any further in hopes of additional discounts.

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